So what's this about then?


I've put this together largely to give me a single, central aide-mémoire for when I'm using emacs. If it helps someone else, then that's great.

The site is on github, so you can of course fork it.If you do then please feel free to send me pull requests if you add more content, or enhance the site.

I used twitter bootstrap to put this together, along with a large lump of their docs.css. I know there is a backlash against the crude use of twitter bootstrap. I get that. Given time I may pimp the site a bit. More likely though I'll do something else that I find more rewarding. If anyone wants to give the site a better, more unique, look then like I mentioned above, pull requests will always be looked at.


This site has been put together by me, Neil Robbins. I occasionally blog at as time, interest, and NDAs allow. You can also reach out to me via my twitter account @neilrobbins.


I'm using GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.36) of 2012-01-29 on So that's what I've cared about. Most everything ought to work on most every version, but if it doesn't, and you're not using this version, then that might be a starting point for why. Or it might not, such are the vagueries that the immensely configurable system like emacs can introduce.

Credit where it's due

Lots of sites carry the information found on this one, and everything I've put here I've read somewhere else first. Some of them are listed below.