
HTML Mode is a major mode for editing HTML.


Command Description Key Sequence
Enter SML ModeMeta-x html-mode
Turn on autoview mode (will open the page in the default browser with every save)Ctrl-c, Ctrl-s
Close tagCtrl-c, /
Autocomplete word (uses the ispell dictionary)Meta-Tab
Delete tagCtrl-c, Delete


Command Description Key Sequence
An h1 tagCtrl-c, 1
An h2 tagCtrl-c, 2
An h3 tagCtrl-c, 3
An h4 tagCtrl-c, 4
An h5 tagCtrl-c, 5
An h6 tagCtrl-c, 6
Horizontal RuleCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, -
CheckboxCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, c
AnchorCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, h
ImageCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, i
List ItemCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, l
Ordered ListCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, o
Unordered ListCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, u
Radio ButtonsCtrl-c, Ctrl-c, u